pkb contents > conflict | just under 237 words | updated 05/21/2017

1. What is conflict?

1.1. What are primary drivers of conflict?

1.2. How do people operate in conflict situations?

2. What communication skills help cope with conflict?

3. What is the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) spectrum?

3.1. What is the facilitative mediation process?

3.2. What standards govern mediation in Washington State?

3.3. What are major applications of mediation?

4. Persuasion

4.1. What makes people change their minds?

4.2. How are people irrational?

4.3. What are major rhetorical appeals?

4.4. What helps people change their behavior?

5. Sources

5.1. References

5.2. Read

Baruch Bush, R. A. & Folger, J. P. (1994). The promise of mediation: Responding to conflict through empowerment and recognition.

Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (1991). Getting to yes.

5.3. Unread

Schulman, S. (2016). Conflict is not abuse.

Hoffmann, E. A. (2012). Co-operative workplace dispute resolution: Organizational structure, ownership, and ideology.

Ellickson, R. (1994). Order without law: How neighbors settle disputes.

Patterson, K. Grenny, J., McMillan, R, & Switzler, A. (2011). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high.