pkb contents > data management | just under 261 words | updated 12/28/2017

1. What is data?

1.1. DIKW pyramid

The DIKW pyramid differentiates the terms data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in an interesting way: data is raw, information is contextualized data, knowledge is internalized information (which is then re-externalized through knowledge management ); wisdom is knowledge that is refined and applied with good judgement. I like to think about the amount and kind of human effort that goes into each conversion.

1.2. Computer perspective

From the perspective of computers, data is inside a file AKA document; files are inside directories AKA folders; and directories are organized hierarchically in the directory tree AKA file system.

1.3. Statistical perspective

From Sharda et al. (2014):

Structured Unstructured or Semi-structured
Categorical AKA Discrete Numerical AKA Continuous Textual Multimedia XML/HTML
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio


2. What is data management?

2.1. Data management plans

2.2. Structure and naming conventions for files and folders

3. What is data curation?

4. What is open data?

(also see notes on civic tech)

5. Sources

5.1. Cited

Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2014). Business intelligence: A managerial perspective on analytics (3rd ed.). New York City, NY: Pearson.

5.2. References

5.3. Read

5.4. Unread