pkb contents > interfaces | just under 1242 words | updated 12/27/2017

1. Prototyping

Prototyping is the practice of making a simple, quick, cheap, etc. versions of a future product, and getting user input on those versions before moving on to production.

1.1. Types of interface prototypes

Per Ambler, n.d. and my friend Clint:

Term Alt Term Definition
Sketch Essential UI Conceptual model of UI
Mock-up Sketch Manual rendering of a screen's appearance
Concrete prototype Digital rendering of a screen's appearance
Wireframe Shows how screens interrelate

1.1.1. Sketches

1.1.2. Mock-ups

1.1.3. Wireframes

1.2. Interface prototyping tools

2. Types of interfaces

2.1. Dashboards

Dashboards can be "operational" or "tactical" (strategic). Per Eckerson (2006) cited in Sharda et al. (2014, p. 122), they combine the following functionalty:

See notes on data viz and notes on BPM for discussion of the specific visualizations a dashboard may contain; this section provides a summary of best practies for overall dashboard design, drawing on Eckerson and Hammond (2011; "E&H"), Sharda et al. (2011; "S"), and Novell (2009, "N") as summarized in Sharda et al. (2014):

2.1.1. Dashboard development process

2.1.2. Dashboard design tips

2.2. Forms

Per Wroblewski (n.d.), forms are used in a variety of scenarios both on- and offline:

2.2.1. Software for forms

2.2.2. Requirements and validation

2.2.3. Best practices Layout

Label positions:

Content groupings should be the minimum necessary to chunk up the form into digestible subtasks. Too many content grouping introduces visual clutter. Input Affordances

Per Norman (2013), an object has attributes; a person has capabilities; when a person's capabilities combine with an object's attributes, this is an affordance and we can say that the object affords action X. For example, a rock is hard; many people can move their arms and grip with their hands; therefore, a rock affords hitting something and causing damage. More coloquially, in web design an interface element that evokes and invites interaction from users. Actions Help & tips

Provide help and tips as short explanatory text; linked pages; automatic inline exposure; or user-activated exposure (inline, dialog, or section). Path to completion

There should be a visually clear path to form completion, guiding the user through data input. Progressive disclosure

Questions or options may be exposed progressively, depending on users' selections. Inline validation

Offer valid options as users type; show #words remaining. Error messages

When input is rejected, make error messages clear, prominent, visibly associated with the erroneous fields, and visibly linked to corrective actions. Don't autocorrect errors. Progress indicators

Show a user's progress towards form completion as well as a status indicator when a system operation is in progress (e.g., uploading an attachment) or successful (e.g., submitting the form). Disable the submit button after 1 click.

3. Sources

3.1. Cited

Ambler, S. (n.d.). User interface (UI) prototypes: An Agile introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Eckerson, W., & Hammond, M. (2011). Visual reporting and analysis. TDWI Best Practices Report. Retrieved from

Norman, D. (2013). The design of everyday things. New York City, NY: Basic Books.

Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2014). Business intelligence: A managerial perspective on analytics (3rd ed.). New York City, NY: Pearson.

Wroblewski, L. (n.d.). Best practices for form design [presentation slides].

3.2. References

3.3. Read

3.4. Unread